Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Established in 1922, Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) is the public institution implementing liberal arts study policy, based on the Harvard study model and relevant research activities aimed at contributing to the society, as well as the global community.
On September 2019, VMU officially started its new academic year following strategic integration processes of three Lithuanian Universities – Vytautas Magnus, Lithuanian University of Education Sciences and Aleksandras Stulginskis University. Current studies and research being implemented refer to the fields of humanities, social, physical, biomedical, technological and agricultural sciences.
Aside from 46 BA and MA full-time degree programmes in English, together VMU offers 138 study programmes, as well as integrated law and postgraduate studies for 9433 students. The University offers doctoral studies in 23 diverse fields of natural, technological, agricultural, social sciences and humanities for 320 PhD students.
VMU is a comprehensive university devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, research, arts and innovation, and fostering critical thinking, imaginative response as well as the desire and capacity for lifelong learning of our students who will have an impact on the world – locally and globally.
VMU has been involved in H2020, COST, Erasmus+, Nordplus, LIFE, Interreg activities as well as national European Structural Funds' projects as a project partner and coordinator (over 100 EU ongoing projects in the fields of biotechnology, biophysics, bioeconomy, agriculture, creative industries, law, education, sociology, psychology, computational linguistics, bilingualism, etc.).
Therefore, the scientists have accumulated solid experience in international scientific research and project management, holding memberships of national and international professional associations of diverse scientific areas and fields. Specialised infrastructure refers to informatics laboratories which are used for both research and studies. More information
Pedagogical studies at the VMU Education Academy is a new approach to the preparation of teachers. The generation of tomorrow’s educators is being grown here by combining solid interdisciplinary and objective knowledge, most efficient educational experiences and deeply rooted traditions as well as by fostering humanistic Artes liberales spirit. While preparing teachers, the attention is paid not only to excessive knowledge of a subject, but also to a comprehensive education and self-realisation of every student. The aim of the VMU Education Academy is to create such an environment that will help bringing up a broad-minded, brilliant 21st century teacher, who is not afraid of any challenges. More information
Project team
Manager/Researcher: Ala Petrulytė, professor, ala.petrulyte@vdu.lt
Project administrator: Sigita Remeikienė, sigita.remeikiene@vdu.lt
Research assistance:
Virginija Guogienė, virginija.guogiene@gmail.com
Vaiva Rimienė, vaiva.rimiene@vdu.lt
Researcher/Trainer (the second stage of project):
Inga Polikevičiūtė-Čepelionė
Marina Guptor
Žydrė Arlauskaitė
IT specialist: Andrius Markevičius